Boys Over Flowers is a 2009 Korean drama based on the manga of the same name. KBS and Group 8 partnered with a number of companies to feature merchandise in the drama, such as Stonehenge and Build-a-Bear. Additionally, due to its popularity in Japan, several items were created exclusively to sell there.
Build-a-Bear released five stuffed animals with clothes based on Geum Jan-di and the F4. Each contains recordings of lines from Boys Over Flowers. Jan-di's sheep stuffed animal was also featured in the first episode of the drama.[1]
Stonehenge released a necklace called the "Kissing Star," which was featured on Boys Over Flowers. Due to its popularity, illegal counterfeits of the necklace began popping up online and at shopping malls.[5] Stonehenge sold the necklace online and in their shop at Shinsegae Department Store located in Gwangju. They sold it alongside their other star-themed jewelry.[6]
Original price
Release date
A necklace called the "Kissing Star," which symbolizes Jun-pyo's and Jan-di's love. It has "Stonehenge" printed on the back. A smaller version was also sold.[7]
Two types of bonbon scrunchies. One is made up of four different colors representing the F4, while the purple one is by Minoz Japan (Lee Min-ho's fan club).
A letter set containing sixteen papers, five envelopes, and a mini memo pad. Customers who sent a letter to the F4 using the set were eligible to receive a reply. It was limited to 20 people per performer.
Packs of trading cards were sold in amounts of five and ten for the Premium Event at 500 yen and 1,000 yen, respectively.[45][46] Three trading cards were also included with customers who pre-ordered the Premium Event DVD on Brokore.[47] A second series of cards were released for the Last Event.[48]
Boys Over Flowers Photo & Music Book: two books consisting of sheet music of the drama's soundtracks. The books were published in South Korea by Music Tree on March 14 and March 28, 2009.[49][50]
A desktop calendar for the photo book, SOFF was released in November 2009. It went from the month it was released until February 2011. The calendar also noted the birthdays of the F4.[53]